Build your budget knowledge while having fun with the educators!
It's not just all about the Benjamins... explore what it takes to build your money habits with fun games, inspiring stories and songs as we celebrate Building Bucks WonderWeek sponsored by Bank of America.
Educator Moment- Clasificando Centavos: Observe, identify and classify loose change in Spanish with Belkis.
Brain Break- Odds and Evens: Practice your math skills and burn off some energy with Danni and Cori as they teach us a new game.
Educator Moment- All About Taxes: You've probably heard adults talking about taxes, but what are they? Maddie and Danni enlighten us on Facebook Live!
Story Time- Lemonade in Winter: A big sister and little brother are trying to start a lemonade business in the middle of winter. Will they make it? Join Briz to find out!
Brain Break- City Budget Game: A budget is a plan for your money- and cities have them, too! Try this game and decide how Kidtropolis should spend its money.
See all of these videos on YouTube!