In celebration of World Children’s Day, the artwork of 600 local children – containing their wishes for the future – will be unveiled as part of a large, eight-by-six-foot art installation.
Kids' Hall
Save the Children, Bvlgari North America, Children’s Museum Houston, and Young Audiences of Houston Partner to Engage 600 Elementary School Children in Art Project Expressing Their Hopes for the Future
In celebration of World Children’s Day, the artwork of 600 local children – containing their wishes for the future – will be unveiled as part of a large, eight-by-six foot art installation during its exhibition debut at Children’s Museum Houston on Saturday, November 20.
The “Wish in a Bottle” installation and celebration event, a partnership between Save the Children, Bvlgari North America, Children’s Museum Houston and Young Audiences of Houston, includes the participation of hundreds of students from the Greater Houston and Beaumont areas, who have artistically shared their hopes for the world and placed them in bottles as part of an Arte di Bvlgari program activity.
The Arte di Bvlgari program is hosted in two local school districts in conjunction with Save the Children’s existing literacy, math and enrichment programs. Made possible by Bvlgari North America, the program offers children the opportunity to participate in a wide variety of arts over the course of the school year, including dance, sculpture, painting, visual arts and more. Unique in its delivery, Arte di Bvlgari brings in local artists and experts from the community in which the children live.
For the “Wish in a Bottle” installation, Save the Children collaborated with Young Audiences of Houston, which helped engage area artists to guide the student activity and installation.
Wish in a Bottle Kits: What is your wish for the future? Send a wishful message in a bottle.
Dance of the Insects: What's all the buzz? Young Audiences of Houston will host an interactive performance.
Kids' Hall
Young Audiences of Houston