Jared “The Undermaker” returns with a Bernouli’s floating ghost challenge, while Megan “STEMtropolis” brings the heat with Shrink Art!
New Kids Hall
Ultimate Comeback Showdown! Shrink Art vs. Floating Ghosts: Previously knocked out of the MindFest tournament but itching to show that they’ve still got it, Jared “The Undermaker” returns with a Bernouli’s floating ghost challenge, while Megan “STEMtropolis” brings the heat with Shrink Art!
Where: Oct. 5 from 1 to 4 pm in New Kids Hall
MindFest Challenge Victory Lap: Join us from last week's experiment as our champion makes their return for a victory lap!
Where: Oct. 10 from 5 to 7:30 pm in New Kids Hall
New Kids Hall