Halloween season at the BOO!seum goes on! Become enchanted by a spooky magic show. Get in touch with your inner scientist with 'the Chemistry of Healing' event.
Children's Museum Houston
Become enchanted by a spooky magic show. Get in touch with your inner scientist with 'the Chemistry of Healing' event.
The Chemistry of Healing
Bob Botto - Kids & Chemistry coordinator for the American Chemical Society Greater Houston Section & volunteers will have experiments out to do with visitors.
Location: Kid’s Hall
Haunted House Diorama
Make your own mini haunted house diorama in this fun art workshop! (15 kids/session, sign up outside of art academy)
11:30am, 12:30pm, 1:30pm, 2:30pm, 3:30pm, 4:30pm
Location: Art Academy
Spooky Magic Shows
Halloween inspired magic with Jamie Salinas
2pm & 3pm
Location: Brown Auditorium
**Activities and times subject to change**
Children's Museum Houston