The Museum takes New Year's Eve celebration online

January 1, 2021
Keith (AKA Mr. O) and Tiffany hosted the Museum's bilingual virtual end-of-year celebration.

2020 was anything but conventional. We all had to embrace a new way of life, play and learning but it wasn't all bad! New traditions and opportunities emerged especially for all of us at the Museum.

For the first time in more than two decades, our doors did not open to welcome visitors but rather took the celebration to your home! The Tater*Tots took centerstage as they presented a special series of Tot*Tunes and staff members shared well wishes for the new year. Since March 2020, our team produced close to 1,000 videos and about the same amount of bloopers! The Rockin' New Year's Noon Bash shared a behind-the-scenes look at some of the fun our team has had as we pivoted our connection from in-person to your screen.

Did you miss it live? Watch the recording here!

Thanks to everyone who joined our virtual party. We loved seeing your pictures as you counted down in your living rooms! Share yours by tagging us on Facebook, Instagram or Twitter.

Shared by Adrien M.

Shared by Elaine K.

Shared by Molly S.
Shared by Karrie T.

Shared by Jon S.